In a world full of suffocating creatures and AI machines, a headless body races against time to save an air-leaking head.
Explore and unravel the mysteries of the open-world puzzle platformer.
A symbiotic being, a living heart that pumps air rather than blood, is torn apart by a machine of unknown origin. Airsource, The air-giving half, is stolen, leaving a head-like organism to die as it slowly leaks air.
An unassuming Body, with an instinct to help others, witnesses the tragedy. With no thoughts to the consequences, it takes its new head's fate on its shoulders, becoming Airhead.
Now, Airhead must rely on air cylinders to keep Head inflated, while it searches far and wide for the machine that stole Head's air source. But that machine is only a small part of a larger whole, and Head may hold a greater place in the grand scheme than Body could have ever imagined.
In the world of Airhead you must brave dark caverns, ancient
structures, and other mysterious locations.
Along the way you will find new abilities, unlocking new areas and puzzles, and if you go
even farther afield, who knows what secrets you will find.
Throughout the world, you will encounter numerous puzzles
that utilize the environment, strange creatures, and ancient technology to test your logic
and creativity.
The world is complex; Your actions might not always lead to the expected outcomes, but
staying observant of your surroundings can help.
Body and Head must work together to accomplish their goal,
and as time
passes their bond and abilities will grow. What will you do to preserve their
And when the impact of your choices become clear, are you willing to shoulder the